Maintenance Reminder

Say ‘No’ to future damages.

It is difficult to remember the day when your fleet was sent for maintenance. Every vehicle requires maintenance at least once in two months. When it comes to maintenance, managing the data is also important. This requires more manpower and work hours. To reduce your workload, LogyTrak has maintenance reminder.

How it works

You will have to add the month, distance or hours after which maintenance reminder should notify you. Then select the maintenance type for which you want the reminder. After this select the method by which you want to be reminded about the maintenance.

You can save your time by creating any particular reminder for many vehicles at a time with Bulk reminder option.


Security of Fleet

Reduce damages and thus increase its efficiency. Lesser the damage, safer is the fleet.

Easily know the reminder status

Get a well-maintained report with details of fleet, it’s upcoming and previous maintenance reminder status.

Ready to optimize your fleet business ?