Advance reminder on Bus arrival

Get notified of the bus arrival before your stop arrives.

The parents will not have to rush or wait for bus to arrive at student’s location. As, with SmartBus, parents will receive bus arrival notification in advance on their smartphones before it reaches the student’s pickup point.

How it works

Parents will be provided with the location points from which the school bus will commute on a daily basis. From the mobile app, Parents can select the nearby point from their home address, which can be easy to reach.

Whenever the bus will be reaching to the nearby point selected by parents, a notification will arrive in their mobile application regarding bus arrival. Also, parents can set whether they want to receive the bus arrival notification before 1 KM from their nearby point or more than that.


Saves your time

The reminder ends the long waiting for the bus arrival. You will know the time when the bus will reach your stop before it’s arrival with the current location.

Get notified by SMS, Email or push notification

The system allows you to choose the method by which you want to be notified. By this you won’t miss any important notification.

Ready to optimize your school bus activity?