Pickup/Drop Management

Easily navigate to the student’s bus stop.

Drivers can view the list of students to be picked/dropped along with pick up/drop points from their mobile App itself. If proper location is not known by drivers, then students may not reach to school on time. So, the app helps drivers with directions to pick up/drop points of students.

How it works

Parents need to download the Parent application from Google Play Store and App Store. To log into the application, LoginID and Password are required, which will be provided by the school authorities.Driver application will be having all the points, selected by parents for pickup, from which bus will travel. When he reaches the particular location he will also get the details of students he needs to pick up from the particular location.

The driver will also get predefined route. So with the help of the navigation system in the app, the driver can identify upcoming route which will be highlighted in the application. As soon as he reaches a particular point, route to the next location will be available on the screen.


Get updates of next location

The driver can easily know all the pickup and drop points. After reaching a location he will automatically get the details of upcoming route on his app

Get routes to student’s pickup/drop point

With the help of predefined routes, even a new driver will not miss any pickup or drop point.

Ready to optimize your school bus activity?