Customer Address Management

Manage customerā€™s address and save it for future use.

ā€œDrop a Pinā€ to mark and save the places that you need to visit.
The location-awareness serves as a powerful tool for maintaining the quality of your customer address database. Your sales staff can ā€˜pinā€™ the address which ensures that the information is absolutely accurate.

How it works

TaskEye provides the facility to add POI in advance which can be used while performing field task. When we create a new task, the location of the task can be added using the saved POI address.

In case of an unscheduled task, we can add the POI live from the mobile panel itself.

Let’s understand the procedure of adding POI step by step:

ā€¢ Mark the location on the map
ā€¢ Name the location
ā€¢ Enter tolerance for the area
ā€¢ Add description for the marked area
ā€¢ Then save the details


Efficiently monitor employeeā€™s performance

Helps you monitor the performance of your employees. It continuously monitors the task of your employee, working hours and attendance.

Easily find important locations

Employees can get routes to the marked location. It also helps to search for a specific location such as parks or petrol stations.

Ready to optimize your Field Task Monitoring?